Core Values




1. Pelayanan, khususnya kepada kaum miskin dan tertindas yang terlupakan (preferencial options for (and with)) the poor and the oppressed)

Preferential services/options for (and with) the poor, oppressed and overlooked/ abandoned.

2. Kemandirian


3. Pemberdayaan


4. Kerjasama/kebersamaan

(Colaboration, Cooperation/Togetherness)

5. Imbal Swadaya

(Subsidiarity/ Return to Self-Help)

6. Kesetiakawanan Sosial


7. Keterbukaan


8. Pertanggungjawaban


9. Penghargaan terhadap kearifan-kearifan lokal

(Respect for the local culture)

10. Inovasi


11. Nirlaba



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